growing by proximity

We’ve all been there.

You’re in a classroom with a small group of kids in front of you. You’ve planned for this group. You’re deep in teaching when you look up there are two or three other kids that are clearly listening. They are not your intended audience but they are participating, they have chosen to participate in the work. These children are growing by proximity.

Kids aren’t the only ones that get to learn by proximity. I get to experience it every day. I get to share a room with an incredible colleague, teacher, Ashley. We are both use similar approaches and materials in our work. We both believe in the balance of encoding, decoding, “real” books, growing readers. We both believe in teaching children from places of strength as well as from assessment. I get to hear her teach every single day. I get to hear the language she uses with children. I get to learn how I can adjust my words and be better for the kids that I teach.

Yes, I get to grow by proximity every day.

6 thoughts on “growing by proximity”

  1. I really like that phrase “growing by proximity.” I’m getting quite a dose of that this year with all my push-ins as well as my time in the resource room. I really could have used more of this over the years. It’s never too late, but I might have grown more…


  2. Two things I love about this slice: children choosing to learn when they’re not the intended audience; you learning from a colleague and lifting her up here. I bet she’d say the same about learning from you.


  3. Love that phrase- growing by proximity! I get lonely having a room to myself now. I loved sharing with Jess and Donna before that. So much to learn if you listen in!


  4. I envy and admire this growth by proximity. For one brief moment this year I thought that I might get to team teach; instead, I’m back to my own classroom. Thank goodness I can learn from students, but I’d still love to be in a room with you and Ashley.


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