missing – part 1

My coat, hat and zip up were shoved affectionately into the cubby as they are every morning. My key fob was nestled among my garb.

I grabbed my water bottle and head band and headed to the back corner passing out sleepy smiles and good mornings to my fellow Roosters. Our 5:30am Athletic Conditioning lived up to it’s nick name – Sweat Fest. Clusters of campers headed off the floating floor towards their cubbies holding their belongings.

I too, headed over to the cubby to retrieve my garb and key fob. I pulled it all out nonchalantly untied my hair and took off my head band. Hat on first then coat, I reached into my coat pocket for my key fob only to feel 5 pennies in one and a tissue in the other. My empty hands opened and closed in the pockets wishing the fob would appear. Then, I remembered I had not put it in my pocket, earlier. It was loose in the cubby. “It must have fallen in back of the cubbies.” I looked, no fob. I wandered around looking for my black key fob on the black floor. I walked around head down, remaining calm. Nancy joined in the looking. Michael joined in the looking. Then Janet asked, “What’s up?” “Can’t find my key fob.” I replied as despondence started to sink in. She, too, joined in the search for a black fob.

Nothing. Nada.

I stood there, pensive. “Do I call Billy? He’s probably walking the dog. Will I make it back to get Megan to school. Now what?”

8 thoughts on “missing – part 1”

  1. Left in suspense. I never asked you what happened in real life. I’ll have to wait for part two. Your calm remained and you showed this through your thinking and actions. That’s just your way!


  2. Yes, left in suspense… and yes, can relate to losing a fob or two in life and wanting to crowbar a locker to get somewhere on time. It’s that moment of putting your hand in your pocket that really got me!


  3. I’m so impatient- the to be continueds really leave me hanging! This reminded me of Elena’s car story last year. Clever way to get two slices. My guess is you’ll be calm however it turns out and find some silver lining!


  4. Oh, a new style, the serial slice…way to keep your fans coming back for more. I’m pretty sure you survived, since you’re slicing about it, but still, so many ways this could go. Looking forward to episode 2 of Fobless in Fairfield.


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