A Bad Habit Routine

It’s 8:00ish. It’s wind down time. We’ll, I’ve been winding down since about 7:00ish.

I’ve checked email and social media. It’s March, so I’ve read and responded to a few slices. I’ve meandered around the house. Watered a few plants. Put some clothes away. Bothered a 15 year old. Chatted with Billy. Double checked that the coffee is good to for the a.m.

I sit back down to meander around on the google machine. I’m avoiding the couch at this point. I’m avoiding putting the TV on. I decide to sit in the chair by the window and read. This is a safe place to sit. I’m reading and I can feel it coming. I can feel the urge. I glance up at the clock. “10 more minutes.” I shift my position, turn the page and continue reading. Finally, I can’t take it. I put down my book, stand up, and answer the call of the couch.

The TV goes on. I surf and watch, watch and surf. It’s only a matter of time before I go horizontal. My eyes are heavy. I try to watch TV, but it’s no use, my mind has turned off and the weight of my eyes forces them to close. I am asleep on the couch.

In about 15ish minutes, I’ll peel myself off the couch and make my way upstairs to bed.

My bad habit routine.

14 thoughts on “A Bad Habit Routine”

  1. I’m an early riser and and early to bedder. I think of down time and relaxation as peaceful ways to recharge my batteries. I just ordered a pair of new Sherpa line bedroom slippers, adding to my hopeless evening relaxation routines. We can be friends!!


  2. I’m so relieved to read this post (and the comments). I thought I was the only one struggling to stay awake past 9! I could feel the pull of the couch, calling you away from your reading. I could feel you slowly going horizontal….eyes closing…sleep overcoming all of your efforts. I think the habit sounds OK. You work hard!


  3. I was really nervous as I read this. I had no idea that you had any bad habits, but now I’m with Melanie in saying, that as bad habits go, that’s a pretty harmless one. I think you deserve it.


  4. My husband gave away our TV a few years ago. I didn’t miss it until the pandemic. This is a very relatable slice.. We are all doing weird things to self soothe right now. I’ve been waking up at four, eating a large breakfast, and then going back to sleep for an hour. If you want to change this habit, it might help replace it with a different bedtime ritual or even just to stay out of the room with the television. I felt the rhythm of the writing underscored the feeling of winding down at the beginning of the piece. I could also feel the tension about wanting to stay off the couch and wanting to get on the couch.


  5. I give you credit for peeling yourself off the couch after 15 minutes! Usually I turn on the TV, fall asleep, and wake up at 3:00 am and wonder if I should even bother going up to bed.


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