Slicing Thoughts…


Some random thoughts on my quirky habits and thoughts on slicing…

  1.  Having two slices “in the bank” makes me feel secure.
  2. When a slice is about ready to be published, that is when I put the Slice of Life img_6716orange at the top.
  3. I publish early in the morning, right about the same time I take my first sip of coffee.
  4. I write here …
  5. I am a terrible editor.
  6. I am reminded of number 5 every time I reread one of my own published slices. Most recent booboo – back ground for background.  That one bothered me for some reason.
  7. I read comments by clicking on the inviting red dot up in the right hand corner.
  8. At the end of the day, I like to reread my own slice followed immediately by the comments.  It brings closure to that slice.
  9. I admire those who respond to my comments and we get into a little slicing conversation.
  10. I am going to try to do that. I like conversation.

10 thoughts on “Slicing Thoughts…”

  1. I love having a slice in the bank, but this week is not working out that way for me. I love the closure idea of rereading the slice and comments at the end of the day. Thanks for giving me a new idea!
    PS- I never noticed back ground.


  2. I liked reading about your process. It made me think of my own process. I also add the orange when ready to publish. I’m going to try your idea for reading comments at the end of the day.


  3. It’s interesting to read about a slicer’s process. I used to bank my slices too, but then I decided to sit down at the computer in the morning and just start writing as the spirit moved me. I think I liked when I banked better. Thanks for sharing.


  4. I loved your list! Last year, I had two or three Slices prepared ahead of time. I cannot seem to do that this March. I also began writing with my first sip of coffee, Most of the time, I try to write in the morning. I am better in the morning, but yesterday, I did not write until 8:30 p.m. – I just was not moved to write. I was thinking too much about all that has been canceled and all cancellations yet to come -like maybe the Devon Horse Show. I am certain that I will not see the tulips at Longwood Gardens this April. But I am trying to plant pansies, clean up the yard, and take walks with the dogs and my husband. Thanks for reminding me of writing with lists. I may try a list tomorrow!


  5. A metacognitive post about Slicing! I’m like you; I like to end the day by revisiting my Slice and replying to comments. I’m a “seat of the pants” writer, and even though I have drafts of posts hanging out there, I rarely use them for Slices. Thanks for the peek into your thoughts!


  6. I like your list. I think it appeals to me because my head is cluttered right now and your list has order. I wish I was a bit more organized with my slicing routine. Your number 8 made me think how I see comments. Sometimes they seem to grow my slice bigger. Sometimes they just hug me personally.


  7. Thanks for the insight into your slicing habits. I used to have more of a routine which is good especially for comments. Even before the shut in , I was all over the place. I needed a reminder hat writing routines are good. I also am a poor editor especially in March.


  8. Oh wow, so many of these sound familiar, but this one: “I publish early in the morning, right about the same time I take my first sip of coffee” needs to become my practice.

    I fear that I’m taking too long, or my topics aren’t interesting enough, so I’m not getting much traction – however, I know that I’m new here, and it’s really the writing that matters.

    I do need a good editor though 🙂
    Thanks for the unique way of slicing and broadening my ideas!


  9. I am always here for a metaslice and the fact that this is a list makes it even better for me! In past years I’ve counted on having a slice in the bank for a rainy day withdrawal but this year, it’s all flying by the seat of my pants! I am behind several days on responding to my comments–I need to get to that! I also really enjoy the little conversations that develop in the comments.


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