Now and Then

Hannah was on the floor, feet closest to the fire.

Grace was beside me, appearing to be one with the couch.

Megan was by the windows, knees curled up tight.

Billy was sitting at the table.

“Grace, what do you think of these?”  she holds up an image on her phone.

“Snow boots are ugly.  Really, they are all ugly.”  Hannah comments.

“But ya kinda need them in VT.”  Billy responds with a wee bit of sarcasm.

“I’m not sure what I want.  I mean my phone does have a hole in it.”

“Should I write anything down?”  Billy asks waiting to record on The List.

I laughed out loud and smiled inside.  Here I was, with an almost 14, almost 18, almost 20 year old as we “prepared” the gift giving together.

It reminded me of a poem I wrote ten years ago…


8 thoughts on “Now and Then”

  1. So fun to reread older writing and then write again. Your exercise is nudging me to pull out some older writing. Thanks to TWT, I can go back 5 years…and a trip to the box in the basement may reveal much older writing. Thanks for sharing.


  2. The Thanksgiving table was once the first pass at the list. My seven nieces and our two would rattle from a uncensored string of wishes. It was fantastic. Distance and age have tampered the list. Our own two now subtly mention things. I’m still amused.


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