The Twitter Venmo War


Over the past two years, our school has been full of engagements and pregnancies.

Last year, with 4 pregnancies and 3 engagements in combination with wanting to celebrate these life defining moments, we began collecting Diaper Dollars and Matrimony Money.  I took the lead in collecting the money.  I work with incredibly busy yet generous teachers.  With every trip around, people reached into their wallets without hesitation to contribute to the gift. Each teacher, upon receiving his/her gift, was beyond thankful and we all had a moment to recognize and celebrate each other!

This year, blessed to have more reasons to celebrate.  (three more pregnancies) I began collecting.  This year, we gave people a choice of contributing a book or cold hard cash.  Again, without hesitation, people reached into their wallets or went to Amazon to contribute to any gift that was to be given.

“I don’t have time to get a book and I never carry cash!”  Leigh-ann proclaimed one afternoon.  “I want to give but can’t you get Venmo so I can just Venmo you?”

Now, this question had been asked by a few other colleagues and I responded to Leigh-ann in the same way I responded to everyone else!  I looked at her and smiled, “If I take everyone’s Venmo, then I still have to go to the bank and get the cash!  I don’t have time for that!”  We laughed hysterically at the chaos of our conversation!

Still laughing, Leigh-ann said “OK.  I’ll just give you $20.00 tomorrow, if I remember, and you can be my broker.  You can just dole it out when you there is a celebration to be recognized!”

“Well, I’m not getting Venmo, so I guess I’ll be your broker.”

The next day, Leigh-ann brings me $20.00.

Fast forward a few weeks.

“Leigh-ann, you have got to get on Twitter.  You will love it!  You who gets ideas and inspiration from FB and Instagram would love the professional energy on Twitter.”

“I’ll get Twitter if you get Venmo.”  She quipped right back at me.

“I am NOT getting Venmo.  Venmo will not serve me any good.  Twitter will serve you good.”

Later that night


Twitter won and I’m still her broker






15 thoughts on “The Twitter Venmo War”

  1. With technology taking over much of our lives every day, it feels nice to say “NO!” once in awhile to the latest app. I like the Diaper Dollars and Matrimony Money idea!


  2. Well I do understand the convenience of Venmo but your are right, Twitter is an amazing resource not to be missed by educators. I like the back and forth dialog in your slice.


  3. Knowing you, part of what you like about not being a Venmo vendor is that you get to actually see people face to face instead of just having a stream of notifications on your phone. We appreciate all the leg work you do. And I still owe you for the slice mouse pad!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Yay! I never realized how useful Twitter could be until I got on it. Good for you for inspiring her. Honestly, though, you should consider Venmo. I had it in college and deleted it because I thought I’d never use it again, and i find myself missing it all the time, so thank you for the reminder to re-download it!


  5. You really capture the “chaos of (the) conversation. I was smiling the whole time I read. Your building sounds like a great place to work – certainly the other slicers from your community make it seem so. And, just so you know, I’m not into Vennmo but do use Twitter, so I’m with you!


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