friend or fiend

They had decided together that they would depart from the Danny’s Doodles series and read the last book in The Pain and the Great One series, Friend or Fiend. I ordered two copies and had them open the package together. O thought it was pretzels, he was hungry. They pulled out two books. P’s excitement was plastered on her face. “Oh…Let’s see if they start the same!” she flipped a few pages. “Oh they do! Meet the Pain. Meet the Great One.”

Before we jumped in I asked, “What’s a fiend?”

P immediately answered “an enemy” while O continued to moan about how hungry he was. Lunch was right around the corner. I turned to acknowledge O’s hunger pains when P blurted out with a grin – “‘Have you ever heard the song, Don’t throw your trash…” I must’ve had a puzzled look on my face because she caught the tune and started singing – “Don’t throw your trash in my backyard, my backyard, my backyard, don’t throw your trash in my backyard, my backyard’s full.” She had broken into theatrical song, her arms moving, her face animated – O was still having hunger pains.

“What does that have to do with a fiend?” I asked curious about her connection.

“Well a friend wouldn’t do that, a friend wouldn’t throw trash in your backyard. A fiend would!” She assuredly answered.

We went on to read some of the first chapter. O and P shared the reading. I watched and listened for transfer of all the work we’ve done. I listened in while O read. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw P flipping to the back and heard her wonder aloud, “I wonder if it ends the same.” Then, “Oh look! It does! It ends with Fluzzy!” She tuned back in quickly and before we knew it, it was time for lunch. O packed his bag and headed out, hunger leading the way.

P packed her bag and said, “Ya know Ms. Sherriff, a fiend is someone you’re against”. I responded affirmatively, “You got it P, and I am definitely not your fiend.”

3 thoughts on “friend or fiend”

  1. You are both very patient with O’s hunger. P’s love of reading comes through, and I am sure you played a part in her enthusiasm for books!


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