Just Sit

The constant state of composition has already begun. I like to think of myself as a writer, as a teacher who not only writes, but believes that engaging in the process of writing is, can, and will, make me a stronger teacher. With that belief in mind, today, I will take on the March Slice of Life Challenge for the 7th year in a row.

Last week, with March 1st in sight, I found myself writing. I found myself writing and composing in the shower, on walks with Maci, washing dishes, walking through the grocery store, staring out the slider. I found myself in a constant state of composition. It’s part of my process to observe, sketch, craft and, eventually, write.

The hardest part of my process is sitting. It’s a challenge for me to sit. The constant state of composition is easy for me. Ideas are everywhere, it’s the sitting and crafting, molding those ideas that’s the work…at least for me.

So, I’m somewhat prepared (I think?), as I am in that constant state of composition. Now, every day for the next 31 days I just need to sit.

Sit, sketch, write.

Sit, write, sketch.

Sit, write.

11 thoughts on “Just Sit”

  1. I, too, have spent this past week with my eyes wide open, thinking a lot about what I might be writing. I have said several years in a row now that I should follow your example and do more sketching. I have lost that part of my routine. It used to be a way to force myself to step back occasionally in class, to watch instead of talking too much. Now, though, I don’t feel like I can do that kind of thing in a classroom. It doesn’t seem like part of my job description. But I can do it at home. I think I shall make that part of each week’s writing. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s your process and you know which parts are easy and which parts are trickier. I’d say your writing identity is strong! I can imagine your process as a sketch…


  3. I just hit publish on my first piece. Now begins my constant state of composition! (Love that idea.) Happy to join you!


  4. I also love the idea of a “constant state of composition.” I’m going to engage my class to help me out and keep an eagle eye out for small moments that I can write about. Sketching has never been a part of my process, but photography definitely is. Isn’t it wonderful how there are so many different ways to arrive at the destination of the page?


  5. Ah, the sitting. I think many kids would say the same thing. You might have given me my post for tomorrow since I had a related conversation with a little boy yesterday. Love the process-sharing in your post.


  6. I’m in the same spot! I started noticing the world around me more starting last week. Not sure why I ever stop because it’s a such a good lens to view the world through. I can’t wait to read your posts this month!


  7. Isn’t it amazing how when we are open to small things, we find them? And equally amusing as to why we stop? Happy sitting this month! 🙂


  8. Yes! Sitting really is hard – I’ve got practically entire books written… in my head. I love the list of all the places you were writing, too. Now, here we go with the sitting part.


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