opening doors

Like most teachers, I walk into school with arms and hands full. Not quite as full as some of my colleagues, but full nonetheless. I’ve gotten into a better habit of wearing my badge this year. I’ve even gotten into a routine of clipping it to some article of clothing before I exit the car and head into the building. This simple habit, makes it much easier to swipe open the door each morning. Once in the building. I take mental note where my the key to my room is. “Is it buried in beneath my lunch and snacks, I hope so.” Ninety-nine percent of the time, I do not need to empty my arms and hands and dig deep for my key, because, well, we have Tim.

Tim is our safety officer. Over the past few years, Tim has become a valuable member of our school community. He’s the guy in the red shirt. He’s the guy that that bookends our days at parent pick up. Safely ushering children to their parents. He’s the guy that’s posted right at our entry way where he welcomes those late to school. He greats them with a smile, making them know he’s glad they are here. If you pass him in the halls, while he’s at his post, he will always notice you and say hello. He’s the guy who’s out at every recess, every day. He’s the keeper of the first aid kit and the whistle. If you have recess duty, he’s always one for a quick story or a simple hello. He’s the guy who monitors our school property, taking laps around the both the inside and the outside of the building, watching out for it all.

And, he’s the guy who unlocks and opens all our doors each morning. This simple act says so much.

Thanks for all you do, Tim. I, we, all appreciate you.

7 thoughts on “opening doors”

  1. Our custodian unlocks the doors morning for the staff. When we was gone a few weeks ago, I had to walk around to the front of the building to get in every day. It totally threw off my routine. 🙂


  2. I appreciate this small gesture too…for the same reasons. Tim was out one day this week and I immediately knew. He is a friendly constant! I hope you share this with him. ❤️


  3. Love this slice of appreciation for Tim! I keep my classroom keys on my badge so they are always right on me- literally- and thus an easy door open! I use the snap and go stroller from my children (Alex is over 11 and Megan 9 so it hasn’t been used for babies in quite some time) to cart all my belongings since it is a long walk to my classroom from the car and I’m always holding so much!


  4. I love that you have a person in your school designated to do all of these things. We have random people doing all these jobs and they all end up feeling like extra jobs. We need a Tim!


  5. This is a great tribute to someone who has become a constant. We’re lucky to have someone to do this job…and lucky to have someone who notices and chooses to write it down.


  6. I, too, hope you share this- this is a gift to him. I love that he wears so many hats! It is often the simple acts that mean the most…


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