
a writer



fighting for attention



fading away



begging to be written


pleading for a page



while a writer is living


14 thoughts on “ideas”

  1. Your poem captures the slice of life I’m about to write. It’s one of those things I want to share. It doesn’t feel safe. I have to make it safer (out of respect for my daughter’s privacy). But it’s begging to be written.

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  2. I so believe in this, ideas hovering and swirling around us and within us, begging to be written – sometimes they’re as delicate as butterfly wings, often not crystallizing until well into the writing of them. How well and succinctly you convey this! And – have you read Elizabeth Gilbert’s Big Magic??? She writes of this very thing; my favorite part is about a poet who could “hear” a poem rushing at her, through her – when she went running for paper to write it down, she had to “catch the poem “by the tail” to pull it back …and the poem came out on to the page backward. And oh, yes – “ideas pleading for a page while the writer is living” – well, that’s primarily why I write. Because I live. Beautiful, Dawn.


  3. It’s good to live first! Let the ideas simmer for a while. On my best days, I’m in charge of making the ideas get in order. Other days, though, the process is more like herding cats, which I’ve heard is challenging…never actually tried.


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