I Saw, I Heard, I Felt

I Saw…

I was strolling my way across the parking lot. I looked up at the sky that had become overcast and was beginning to take on an ominous look.  As my eyes came down from the sky, I heard a small thud.  I scanned the parking lot thinking I’d see someone picking up a dropped something. Then, I looked straight ahead of me and saw a man and and a woman hugging in the middle of the parking lot.  This man and this woman were in the middle of backing out of their respective spots when their cars bumped. Each driver, in surprise, leaped out of their car and embraced.  They didn’t  yell, they didn’t scream, they didn’t even exchange papers.  Their hug ended, they each checked the bumper of their respective cars, exchanged a few pleasantries, hugged one more time, and went on their their separate ways.

I Heard…

I was in the middle of attempting 10 mountain climber burpees in 60 seconds – four rounds.   We had just finished a boot camp and this was the finisher. Tracey and Natalie were near me.  I could see they were working one burpee at a time.  We were on the last round.  I was in my own world, struggling, pushing through my own burpees.  I could see Natalie and Tracey standing, catching their breath, each in their own world.  “Come on, one more!”  Tracey broke the silence and moved up right next to Natalie.  I think I saw Natalie shake her head and then I saw them both go down and in unison, they began to mountain climb.  “We can do this!”  Tracey blurted out.  And they did – together.

I Felt…

“I’m not even hungry but I am eating this.  I think I feel sick.  But it’s so good!”  Hannah shared in between bites of her “linner”.  “Enjoy every bite, this is it until Thanksgiving break.  Then it’s back to college food!”  I replied.  We laughed. Once the bill was paid we made our way back to Wilkes Hall.  “Do you want us to walk you up?” Billy asked.  “No, we can say goodbye here.”  We got out of the car and gave our tightest, warmest hugs to our oldest girl.  Billy broke the quiet hug fest with “Isn’t it great playing only child?”  Hannah, without hesitation, answered “I LOVE playing only child, I don’t know why Megan doesn’t!”  We all laughed at our family phrase and then watched as Hannah headed back to her home away from home.

I Think…

I think there are kind, thankful people everywhere.  Just look.

I think there are encouraging people everywhere.  Just listen.

I think the warmest feelings come from time with family.  Just be with them.

8 thoughts on “I Saw, I Heard, I Felt”

  1. I too am struck by that first scene. You told it well, but it feels like it’s part of some larger story. I’ve had people “tap” my car from behind, and the thought of a hug…well, it just didn’t occur to me that it was an option.
    I really like the way you used those verbs at the opening of each section: I saw, I heard, I felt. That’s the writer (and teacher) in a nutshell.


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