“What are they…”

Rachel and Megan have just finished their first hour long riding lesson together.  Lisa, Rachel’s mom, is my new “barn friend”.

“You guys looked really good today.”  I tell the girls.

“How was it riding together?”  Lisa questions.

“Good!  Fun!”  both girls announce.  I can see their smiles and rosy cheeks despite the dark.

“What are they having for dinner?”  Rachel asks out of the blue.

“I think they usually eat before riding.”  Lisa answers her curious 8 year old.

I hear Lisa answer as we are leaving the barn and heading to our cars.

I turn towards Rachel and Lisa who are slightly behind us.  “Yes, we usually do eat before, but today only I ate, Megan will eat when we get home.”

“What are you having?”  Rachel herself must be hungry, maybe she’s looking for an invite.

“Well, we are NOT having any more turkey!”  I laugh and so does Rachel.

“There is a pot of meatballs and sausage and pasta on the stove.  Everyone is eating alone tonight.  I ate before we came to the barn, Megan’s Dad probably is eating now.  Hannah ate before she went to dance class.  Megan will eat when we get home. and Grace will eat when she gets home from dance practice.”

“Wow!”  Lisa says.

Rachel is quiet – probably thinking – all I asked was “What are they having for dinner?”

I, for some reason, felt the need to give the play by play on how our active family of five sometimes eats dinner.  I laugh at my babbling self.

“Have a good night.” I yell as we part.

“See you next week!”  Lisa replies.

I wonder what they are having for dinner?!

3 thoughts on ““What are they…””

  1. Lots of friendships are forged over food- maybe another time you four will eat together. I could picture the scene well thanks to all the detail and dialogue and remember those frenzied dinners well.


  2. I went immediately back to the long-ago days that I rode horses with my best friend … yikes, more memoir to write! Time spent with barn friends will be a rich thread of memory for you, your daughter, and your new friends. Enjoy every moment outdoors where the air is clearer (at least out in the pasture and fields or riding paths, away from the barns! ) and savoring the respite from the hustle and bustle of life.


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