The Language

The Little Engine That Could and A\a full set of Encyclopedia Britannica are the books I remember in our home growing up.  I was not a reader.  I was too busy to be a reader.  My knees were always dirty.

Reading was modeled at home.  My mom would sit in the plaid pleather chair, feet on a hassick, sun shining in the window on her as she read.  My sister was a reader. She would retreat to the bedroom we shared to read.  My dad would read at the table.  Often researching some information on concrete or construction.  He would read to hone his craft.  I don’t remember either of my brothers reading – not that they didn’t- I just don’t remember.

I was a walker.  On library day at school, my mission was not to find a good book but41RCu-vYqXL._SX376_BO1,204,203,200_ rather a book that was small and easy to carry.  I repeatedly checked out Beatrix Potter’s Peter Rabbit.  I think I remember reading it a handful of times.  It was the size that appealed to me.



My childhood was busy.

Books never called me.

I heard the call of my neighborhood friends wanting to play manhunt.

I heard the call of my bike, and the swing-set in the back yard.

I heard the call of the mounds of dirt on the edge of our backyard.

I heard the call of living and playing.

No I wasn’t a reader

My life is busy.

But now,

Books call me.

My journal calls me.

I still hear the call of friends and colleagues wanting to play.

I hear the call of family and family time.

I hear the call of blogs to be read.

Now, I am a reader, a writer, a liv

6 thoughts on “The Language”

  1. I’m sure so many students can relate to you as a child in this post. I love how you used to pick a book based on size because you didn’t want to walk home with heavy/big books. I wonder how else reluctant teachers choose their books on book checkout days.


  2. I never knew this about you. I love the idea of all of those outdoor activities calling you in contrast to what calls you now. This is a story to share with kids who may not see themselves as a reader…yet.

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